Holiday Party

Celebrate the holiday season with your fellow postdocs at the Postdoctoral Scholar Holiday Party. Partners and spouses are welcome! The PDA will provide main dishes, beverages, and games. Please bring your holiday favorite to share. When: December 16, 4:00 – 8:00 PM Where: Nat Sci 1, 1114 RSVP…Continue Reading Holiday Party

Alumni Night

UCI Postdoctoral Association (PDA) and UCI GPS-BIOMED are hosting Highlighting Diverse Careers in the Biotechnology Field on October 25, 5:30 – 8:00 PM. A panel of UCI alumni will discuss their current positions and responsibilities. The evening will start with dinner followed by a panel Q & A and round robin networking sessions. Graduate students and postdoctoral…Continue Reading Alumni Night

Halloween Pumpkin Carving

Thanks to all the attendees! It was a great night. [slideshow_deploy id=’3095′] Have not carved a pumpkin in a while? Or have you never carved a pumpkin? Then come carve pumpkins with other postdocs! The PDA will provide the pumpkins and snacks and drinks, and we will have a silly contest for best pumpkin. Feel…Continue Reading Halloween Pumpkin Carving